Rebecca Guterman

Health Benefits Of Swimming
Rebecca Guterman

18 Health Benefits Of Swimming

Cardio is a form of exercise that people either love or loathe. As you can probably guess by the title of this article, today we’re going to be looking at the many health benefits of swimming. One of the main reasons why people tend to hate cardio so much is the fact that they find it boring. After all, if

How Many Exercises Per Muscle Group
Rebecca Guterman

How Many Exercises Per Muscle Group Should I Be Doing?

For many, lifting weights isn’t simply about vanity and trying to build a physique to show off, the gym is instead an escape, a place to ground oneself and forget your troubles and stresses. When you’re in the gym, it’s just you and the iron, and regardless of your goals, the only bad workout is one that you do not

Arc Trainer Benefits
Rebecca Guterman

16 Mind-Blowing Arc Trainer Benefits

Today, we’re taking a look at several amazing arc trainer benefits. When you head to the gym to work out, if it’s a cardio day, which piece of equipment do you find yourself gravitating towards? For a lot of people, cardio or fasted cardio days are personified by using kits such as a treadmill, a stair climber, an elliptical machine,

Benefits Of Fasted Cardio
Rebecca Guterman

18 Fabulous Health Benefits Of Fasted Cardio

If you’re looking for ways of burning fat fast, you’ll love this article looking at the many fabulous benefits of fasted cardio. Losing weight is a very difficult process, as is getting fit and improving your stamina, but what if you could do both of these things at the same time through exercise? Well, if you perform cardio you can.

Benefits Of Sit-Ups
Rebecca Guterman

17 Awe-Inspiring Benefits Of Sit-Ups

In today’s article, we’ll be listing some of the most prominent and amazing benefits of sit-ups. For many men, and indeed women too for that matter, the ultimate physique is personified by a set of ripped six-pack abs that you could quite easily grate cheese on. The truth of the matter, though, is that when it comes to sit-ups and

Benefits Of Jumping Jacks
Rebecca Guterman

17 Benefits Of Jumping Jacks For Your Body

For those looking for a way of getting fit and healthy, it might be worth considering the many benefits of jumping jacks. There are many, many different ways of getting fit and healthy, yet many people often think that the only way of doing so is by joining a busy gym and using overly complex pieces of kit and equipment.

Benefits Of Jogging
Rebecca Guterman

18 Health Benefits Of Jogging You Might Not Have Known

When people are looking to burn fat and get in shape, cardio is often the first port of call. This is quite appropriate for today’s article because today we’re going to be looking at the benefits of jogging. Jogging is one of the easiest and most effective forms of cardio in existence, yet people often overlook just how beneficial and

Wall Sit Benefits
Rebecca Guterman

16 Wall Sit Benefits That Will Have You Doing It Often

In today’s article, we’re going to be looking at a slightly different and unique exercise that is vastly underrated and hugely effective. The exercise, in general, is known as the wall sit which is why we’re looking at several wonderful wall sit benefits in today’s article. Ever found yourself leaning against a wall to catch your breath after exercise, or

How To Get More Vascular
Rebecca Guterman

How To Get More Vascular – 14 Awesome Tips

In the words of Family Guy’s Stewie Griffin, ‘If there’s one thing women love, it’s a vascular man’. While we cannot confirm nor deny that statement, what we can agree on is the fact that vascularity can go a long way when it comes to improving your physique. People often wonder how to get more vascular, and the truth of

Benefits Of Sprinting
Rebecca Guterman

16 Essential Benefits Of Sprinting Explained

If you’re a fan of Usain Bolt or sprinting in general, you’ll enjoy today’s article because we’re going to be looking at the 16 amazing benefits of sprinting. When people think of running, they think of leisurely jogs around the park or block, or perhaps a boring and monotonous spell on the treadmill. In truth, running can be as intense,